An acquired taste. If you don't like it, acquire some taste.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Stacy's Mom

Last night I went to the Fountains of Wayne show at Diesel on the South Side of Pittsburgh. Best known for their only top 40 hit "Stacy's Mom". A good show from a bunch of 40ish pop-rocking, hipster doofuses. The back-up guitarist wore tapered leg pants that were so tight I am not sure how he fit his feet through the openings. That in itself didn't bother me as much as the fact he was wearing jockey type underwear, one would think he would have gone commando? They had an odd fan base. It was an all age, 7:00pm show that included aging hippie parents wobbling to the music while their preteen kids stared in yawn laced boredom. When they covered well known hits it did bring the kiddies to life. One of the most entertaining moments of the show was when they did "Sharp-Dressed Man" by ZZ Top. This spawned dozens of sandal wearing, glassy eyed, messy haired guys who look like they have never done a push-up in their lives into a arm raising, Kris Krossian 'jump' frenzy.

Major League Baseball Draft: Pirates select Clemson pitcher in first round - Daniel Moskos probably is not the player most Pirates fans wanted to see the team take with their first pick in the first round of the amateur draft yesterday. Moskos is, after all, a pitcher. Another pitcher, some fans will say, groaning.

Some electronic greeting cards may have a sinister hook - Next time you find one of those electronic greeting cards in your inbox from Hallmark, examine it carefully. Instead of offering good wishes, it could be a phishing scam designed to steal your money, credit card numbers or identity.

Out rage as Paris freed early - TERRIFIED PARIS HILTON CONNED doctors into releasing her early from jail, furious fellow lags claimed last night.

Deep Divisions Derail Immigration Bill - The Senate divisions that derailed a White House-backed immigration bill - for now, at least - mirror the U.S. society's deep differences over the issue, according to polling data, lawmakers and analysts. Those gaps will challenge any effort to get the measure back on track.

Democrats Seek Formula To Blunt AMT, One Plan Would Impose Surtax Of 4.3% on Richest Households - House Democrats looking to spare millions of middle-class families from the expensive bite of the alternative minimum tax are considering adding a surcharge of 4 percent or more to the tax bills of the nation's wealthiest households.Under one version of the proposal, about 1 million families would be hit with a 4.3 percent surtax on income over $500,000, which would raise enough money to permit Congress to abolish the alternative minimum tax for millions of households earning less than $250,000 a year, according to Democratic aides and others familiar with the plan.

Mohammed may top list of boys' names - Mohammed could soon become the most popular boy’s name in the country, as more and more Muslim parents choose to name their sons after the Islamic Prophet. When all the different spellings of the name are added up, the name was second only to Jack in last year’s registration of boys’ births. The name of the Prophet was given to 6,010 babies last year, compared to 6,928 children who were called Jack.

Michael Moore hits Clinton in 'Sicko' - Moore's brief political history of American health care policy at first seems to lavish praise on Clinton, if with a satirical, and gendered, edge. (She's introduced as "") But his conclusion is that she sold out. After her defeat in the first Clinton term, he says, she fell silent on the issue. And "for her silence, Hillary was rewarded. And she has been the second-largest recipient in the Senate of healthcare industry contributions."

Edwards Assails Clinton's Terror Remarks - Presidential contender John Edwards on Thursday disputed Democratic rival Hillary Rodham Clinton's claim that the U.S. is safer since Sept. 11 and contended GOP candidate Rudy Giuliani will never win if he embraces President Bush's policies. "Today, as a result of what George Bush has done, we have more terrorists and fewer allies," Edwards said at a news conference. "There was no group called al-Qaida in Iraq before this president's war in Iraq."

Senate committee supports restoring habeas rights to Guantanamo detainees - The US Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday voted 11-8 in support of a measure that would return habeas corpus rights to terror suspects imprisoned at the Guantanamo Bay military prison. The Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007, sponsored by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA), would allow Guantanamo detainees to challenge their detention in US federal courts for the first time since the Military Commissions Act of 2006 revoked that right. The bill, passed in committee without debate, was unanimously supported by Committee Democrats; Specter was its only Republican supporter. It is expected to be attached next month as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2008.

Wireless energy promise powers up - A clean-cut vision of a future freed from the rat's nest of cables needed to power today's electronic gadgets has come one step closer to reality. US researchers have successfully tested an experimental system to deliver power to devices without the need for wires.

Amigos de Obama...

Photos show mystery skeleton sticking out of iceberg off N.L. east coast - Marine scientists in Canada and abroad are puzzled by bizarre photographs that appear to show the skeleton of a large mammal jutting out of an iceberg that recently drifted past Newfoundland's east coast. The six pictures show what looks like a brown rib cage and spinal column, slightly bent, sticking out of a crust of ice.

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